Monday 26 October 2015

Wingless Jump

Have some pieces of unused wood laying around, so decided to make myself the base of a wingless jump.

This is a rather simple DIY. Just cut 2 piece of wood to be about 20cm in lenght and make a middle groove about the same width as the wood you are using. For me i use a 2cm think wood.

Screw a pipe end-cap to one of the piece and you could just friction fit both piece of wood.

This should give you a rather stable base for your jump. The end results will be something like this..

I do not glue any of the pieces together except for the end-cap that is screwed in. This setup allows me to quickly assemble or tear down my equipment.

Fast packup is especially important in case you need to clear out of the training area quick. I have timed myself and was able to quickly pack up 4 sets of jump within 3 minutes....:)

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