Tuesday 20 October 2015

Long Jump DIY

Welcome to Agility DIY. 

From where I am, dog agility isn't much of a mainstream dog activity. As such, most of us end up having to buy from overseas or to make one ourselves.

I have decided to start a DIY blog on making agility equipment. These could be simple components to an entire jump. If possible, I would also share out where i got my stuff and if you are in the sunny country of Singapore, I have included phone number or address of where i get the supplies.

To start of this blog, I have included a drawing of a long jump below. As far as i know, this dimension should be close to the requirements of USDAA and UKI.

The above measurements are in cm. I would recommend that the thickness of the wood to be at least 2cm for stability. You should be able to obtain materials from any wood working shops, most will also provide cut to specification services and so all you need to do is nail it all together. If you are in Singapore, just visit the workshops around defu lanes. They provide quite good and prompt services.

After nailing together the pieces, you could apply paint with color of your choice. For me, I have nailed  cast Acrylic to the wood for a nicer finish as well as provide a little bit of water resistance. But do be aware the arylic can crack easily, so do handle with care.

To end off this post, I would like to highlight the following:
  • You will still need to make 4 marker poles to mark the corner of the jumps. The poles should not be attached to the jump and i would recommend simple stake in the ground poles.
  • I would suggest that marker poles to be at least 4ft tall and at 20mm thick poles or less
  • Because my dog jump at 4 planks, i only made 4 planks instead of 5 shown in the drawing above
  • If you have a toy dog jumping only 1 plank, use the second lowest planks instead of the lowest if you training for USDAA.

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