Wednesday 28 October 2015

Joining 2 pipes

Decided to cut my jump bars to 2 so i can pack them into smaller bags.

But silly me, forgotten to check my stock of pipe joiner. A little to lazy to drive to the hardware shop for one, so a little hack to make my own PVC joint.

Simply heat up one end of the PVC pipe and while it's in a rubbery stage, slide it over a metal pipe or rod of the same diameter.

You could also use the other half of the pvc pipe, but you may have to work relatively fast to prevent heat from affecting both pipes. I am using a heat gun for this, but you could also heat it over an oven. Do keep your works pace well ventilated .

End result is a surprising nice fit, better then buying a PVC pipe joint. All that needs to be done is to wrap it in cloth tape of the nice finish.

 While we are on the subject of jump bars, weighted jump bar seems to be the trend. Most people will simply put sands into PVC pipes and seal of with end-cap. There is a simpler way, when buying PVC pipes, just look for those thick walled type.

You may want to take note that under USDAA  specifications , jump bar should not exceed 0.5 lbs per foot. and bars should be between 4.5 to 5 feet long. Whatever the length, the jump bar must not exceed 2.5 lbs or 1.13KG. Not sure about the weight requirements for FCI, IFCS or UKI, but if anyone willing to share, just leave it in the comments below.

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