Wednesday 27 July 2016

DIY wooden wing Jumps (Part 2)

In part 2 of my Wooden wing jump DIY, I'll talk about how the joint are done and assemble. There are probably multiple ways of joining the wood, which any experience carpenter would be able to tell you. But as a person totally new to this, I only tried 2 methods.
  • Fasteners
  • Pocket holes


Feaster is the easiest and the most readily available method. Go to any hardware store and find metal piece similar to this. Put 2 piece side by side, then screw....paint to the color of your choice

Pocket Hole
If you don't like the look of fastener, the other alternative is the use of pocket hold. This is essentially drilling a long screw at 45 degree angle to secure the 2 wood together. As you may know by now, I am dexterity to do this, I make use of a pocket hole jig.


Simple drill holes at the angle. Then screw the pieces in.

Other Methods
There are other type of joining methods like dovetail joint, box joint, half-blind dovetail...etc. But these techniques are beyond my capabilities and will not be covered here. But if someone likes to share these techniques as well as their experiences do let me know.

One final advise.... I like to keep the distant of part B at least 6cm off the ground. This will allow me the stack the jumps nicely in storage.

In my next post, I'll take about options for the empty section of the wings and also some of the ideals I have for jump cups....

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